Saturday, April 5, 2008


Hello family and friends! I thought this would be a good way for everyone to keep in touch with each other and see what everyone is up to, especially now that we're spread out around the country.

So feel free to post and comment openly and as often as you would like. You can write about what you did today, the good book you just read, how upset you were that (insert any Michigan team here) lost, upcoming vacation plans, a new job, how much you miss your fellow get the idea. You can also post photos and videos here too. It's pretty easy. Let me know if I should post a how-to tutorial post.

Please let me know if you have any problems getting onto the blog or using it, or if you want me to send an invitation to a different e-mail address (since the address where you get the invitation is also your login). I will do my best to get everyone up and running.

So I suppose that's it for now. I really look forward to visiting here and seeing what you all are up to, and I will follow one of my own suggestions and say that I miss you all!

Oh, and I hope you like the name of the blog, my dad and I came up with it. If you have any issues with it, you can take it up with him.

1 comment:

Angela said...

The picture that comes up next to your comment... was it for Halloween or just a friday? Just kidding. Love ya!