Monday, April 7, 2008

Greetings from California

Like mother like daughter... I have never blogged before either. But... I have blabbed and I figure they are similar. So here goes....
We are all recovering from UCLA not making it to the finals (OK well... Larry is really bummed but I am being supportive for him.) I am very grateful we did not come in dead last on the brackets. We were in last place for most of it.
My pregnancy officially entered it's fifth month today. Everything seems to be going really great!I should know if it's a boy or a girl in the next 3 weeks. We are looking forward to going to Chicago in June.
Work has been a little concerning because many of the teachers in our district were issued pink slips due to budget cuts. I have enough seniority to have a job but have been unsure of the security of my grade level position. I did receive confirmation today that I will be able to keep my second grade position at the same site. I am really excited!!!
Great Blogging with ya all

1 comment:

Carol T said...

I'm so thankful that your pregnancy is going along so well. And, we always have next year's "NCAA Tournament Bracket" to move to the top!