Friday, April 25, 2008

Katie's First Blog!

Hi everyone!!

Sorry I have been such a slacker with this blog! I have been checking in and reading up on all of the "Trapnell Happenings,"but keep forgetting to update you all on my life as well. It's so exciting to hear about all the baby updates and the tidbits everyone has been sharing, this was really a great idea!

With skating winding down at the end of March and school now officially over, I can finally take a second to breathe! As I write this my parents and Aunt Carol are on their way to Kalamazoo to watch me walk in graduation tomorrow. I am very excited, especially because Aunt Carol made the trip to visit me!

It has been a busy last couple of months. My team (and of course my Mom and Dad) travelled to Providence, Rhode Island for Nationals in March. It was a fun trip, but also very emotional because it was my 10th and last skate at Nationals! Also, I have been involved with a national case study competition for my last advertising course. Our task was to create a college recruiting campaign for civilian jobs at the Department of Defense. We submitted our case materials about a month ago, and just received the news that my group made it to the second round of judging! The second round includes the top 5 groups and is being judged to choose the top 3. The top 3 groups will travel to the Pentagon at the beginning of May to present their campaign to the DoD marketing executives! We are very excited to have made it to the top 5 and are hoping we make it to the next round.

I'm not quite sure yet what I am going to do after graduation, but have been applying to jobs in Media Planning in Chicago. I have been talking to a few recruiters who have expressed interest in hiring me around June or July so I am planning (I hope!) on moving to Chicago sometime this summer. In the meantime I am enjoying a break from being busy. Next week I am heading down to Louisville to finally go to Derby!! It should be a good time.

Well, there's a little update about what's going on with me, I'm so happy to hear everyone is doing so well and keeping busy as always. I think we need to get working on our next family reunion!

Love and miss you all,


Cheryl said...

Congrats on graduation! Chicago is a great city. Keep us posted.

Lindsay said...

Congratulations, Katie! Did you take any graduation photos? I'd love to see should put a few on the blog!

And yes, please keep us updated on Chicago and the Department of Defense project. I'd love to see that too sometime.

barb said...

Isn't one of your degrees in Organizational Communications? What better way to put it to good use than to plan Trapnell 2009! Your committee could include Aunt Nancy& Uncle Pat since they think it's a good idea and Aunt Diane because she's great at this stuff!
Love, Mom