Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hello from Chicago!

Hi Everyone,

I love reading all of your posts when I get a chance a few times a week, but I have become not so great about updating all of you on my life! So, as most of you know I moved to Chicago in June (and have even seen my new apartment, thanks Aunt Carol!). I had some time to explore the city and get "settled" and learn my way around. I'm still not 100% confident and sometimes wish I have a compass, but I am loving living here! As of this week, I am working in downtown in network TV ad sales for Cox Communications. My company's job is to be the sales representative and sell ad space to agencies for certain stations in several major markets. Needless to say, my first week was an adventure! If any of you have read or seen The Devil Wears Prada, my trainer is a little like the character based of the editor of Vogue. However, I survived my first week and many people congratulated me for surviving it! Yesterday on my way out, I found out that I had officially lasted longer than the previous three assistants, who left crying on the Wednesday or Thursday of their first weeks. So, I figure it can only get better from here!

That's about it for me, I am working on trying to get pictures of my new apartment/life here, but my USB cord isn't working properly so it may take a little while.

Love and miss you all!


1 comment:

Deb said...

Congratulations Katie! I hope the job challenges you and you have fun doing it. Better you than me, though. I think I like a little more laid-back kind of job!