Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm back!!!

I am back from Shady Creek. I had lots of fun and learned a lot. I got to play Ultimate Frisbee.

I also got to play a huge game of capture the flag with about 50 to 60 people. I learned that a newt is very poisonous. In a bird class my class found 18 species of birds. I had eight people in my cabin and my counselors name was Marco Polo. Thank you Samuel family, Nana and Papa, Rzepecki family, Aunt Carol and Uncle Patrick[AKA the green coach] for writing to me while I was at camp. Love Quillan.

1 comment:

Carol T said...

I'm so glad you had such a great time! I'll be anxious to hear what "Ultimate Frisbee" is. In addition to it being fun, it sounds like it was very educational, too.