Thursday, February 26, 2009

Still smiling (at least Zach is!)

Even though Zachary is just getting his first tooth, he is still smiling and laughing. Unfortunately that is only during the daytime - the crying at night keeps Amanda awake most of the night for the last week or so.

He had his first "bites" of food on Tuesday night. A little bit of rice cereal mixed with milk - it was more of a soup than anything, but it was the first time he got to eat from a spoon! We videotaped the whole episode, but other than him learning to spit everything out by the fourth spoonful, there wasn't much to watch. :-)

Hope everyone is doing well, and we'll upload some video as soon as I can figure out how to use the computer to edit it and make it small enough to post. (You'd never know that I work with computers for a living...) hahaha

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